Professional resume writing

Professional Resume, the most comprehensive guide to writing a professional resume, with the help of examples and tips written by recruitment experts you can create an impressive resume in 5 minutes and you will find a job today!

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The guide below contains examples and tips for writing a resume adapted to the current market that will help you find your next job. You can use the following tips, write a professional resume for yourself in a few minutes and start looking for a job today.

The labor market today is characterized by great competitiveness. Therefore, writing a correct and effective resume is a task of critical importance for finding a job in general and one that matches your skills and expectations in particular. The resume is the calling card and entry into the job market, so it should convey the message we want to convey accurately, catch the eye and most importantly meet the expectations of the employer as much as possible (as described in the job requirements).

According to statistics, the time devoted to reading a resume is a few seconds, so it is important that you write them properly!
Successful resume writing, which will lead to the long-awaited job interview, seems like an intimidating and scary task, but with a little order and learning, you will see that it can even be a fun task. Because between us, who does not like to tell about himself?

Resume Building - Here's How To Do It Right:

Resume writing has a number of principles that are always right and valid for all parts of the document. It is important to know them before you approach the craft of writing.
Employers devote a few seconds to each resume document, so it's important to know how to stand out and get them to focus on your resume. The most basic rule is to tailor the resume to the job you want and your experience.

A professional resume consists of 9 parts :

  • Personal details - This section should appear at the top of the document and include all the ways to contact you - email, personal address and phone number. If you have a professional LinkedIn profile, you should also add it (make sure the resume matches the information in the profile).
  • Introduction - The introductory paragraph should be short and to the point and its purpose is to tell the employer who you are and what your advantage is in relation to the job. No need for more than a sentence or two with a clear message. It is advisable to place the paragraph in a prominent place at the beginning of the page as in most cases, sorting the resume does not reach the end.
  • Occupational experience - a breakdown of actual work experience in descending chronological order; If possible, it is advisable to maintain an employment continuum. The year range, company name, job description, specializations, projects and special achievements should be included. Since each job involves a lot of tasks and skills - the details of the tasks you have done must be adapted to the job you are approaching.
  • Education - breakdown of academic, professional and high school education in descending chronological order (from late to early); The age range, educational institution, type of certificate and field or subject of specialization should be included. Also add focused courses or professional training. In the event that the education you have acquired is not relevant to the position, but the employment experience is current, you should consider changing the position of the categories.
  • Skills - Indicate the languages ​​you know, including the level of proficiency in them (speaking, writing and reading), the level of familiarity with certain software relevant to the job and of course personal skills that are worth mentioning.
  • Military service - Some employers attach great importance to the military service itself and the unit you have been in. If you did military service, indicate the years and position briefly. If you did not do military service, omit this part.
  • Recommendations - At the end of a resume page it is advisable to add a sentence such as: "Reference to recommendations will be given as required" or "Recommendations will be provided upon request".
  • Miscellaneous - If there are other details that can strengthen your candidacy, this is the place to do it. You can list public or voluntary activities, belonging to professional organizations, commendation scores, etc.
  • Design - The resume page should be clean, well-designed, inviting and easy to read and page-long. It is important to ensure proofreading, conciseness and clarity.

In summary, key points and how to make your resume stand out?

  • Today, most companies have an automated system for filtering certificates, which means that your first step is to pass this system, so that your resume can reach the recruiters' desks. How to do it? Describe your most recent job and use the keywords relevant to the job.
  • First-person writing ("I made presentations," "I managed people") gives the file the impression of a personal story. Since this is an official document that speaks professional language, the resume should be written with action names. For example: "Preparing reports", "Managing employees", "Creating collaborations".
  • Resume design has a huge impact on your ability to convey a focused message in a short amount of time. In today's world we do not read information, but scan it. A messy and unformatted resume makes it difficult for the employer to see if you are suitable for the job. A recruiter who sees dozens of resumes a day can simply skip you and move on to the next candidate. Files saved in Word will look different on different devices and may even change some of the information on the way - so it is recommended to save the file as a PDF.

It is highly recommended to use our designed resume templates in order to design a resume that will fit exactly to the job you are looking for.

  • If your job search is spread over several domains, create each domain search a separate file and highlight in it the experience relevant to that domain.
  • Employers receive hundreds of resume files and devote only a few seconds to each of them. In order to capture their attention in such a short period of time you should include in your resume only information and details pertaining to the job, and avoid adding irrelevant information. Therefore, be sure to include in the resume only positions, occupations and skills whose degree of relevance to the desired position is high and clear.

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